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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ramadan Hamper


Small hamper value of RM 50
This consists of small sejadah, tasbih, and nought in wooden basket

Iron basket consists of meat floss, chips, and sparkling drink

Wooden basket consists of sparkling drink, acar, and nought

Monday, December 19, 2011

Small Hamper for Mem Aji Lina


This hamper within RM 80 - RM100.Depends on the items. Yang ini hanya RM 85

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Baby Shower in Basket


The selected baby items with simple decoration - RM 300

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Baby Shower for boy


Items include of 

soft toys
feeding bottles


Exclusive Hamper 2009 - RM100 and RM50

For RM 100....
The hamper consists of:

Steamed fruit cake - medium
One home made cookies
Floral kitchen towel
Rectangular bird nest basket decorated with ribbon
Greeting card

Tudung saji can be used not only to cover our food and place on the table as Malays always do.It also can be creatively presented in hamper.

As above the hamper consists of:

Steamed fruit cake - medium
Homemade cookies
Floral kitchen towel
Tudung saji with decoration
Greeting card

For RM50 ....
This hamper consists of:

Homemade cookies
Floral kitchen towel
Floral metal basket
Greeting card

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Exclusive Hamper for 2009 - RM300


Sparkling carbonated drink

3 types of home made cookies in container
Steamed fruit cake - medium
Traditional love letters
Meat floss in bottle
Cadbury chocolate panned
Daim/Sorrini chocolate in mug/bowl
Selected nuts
Floral kitchen towel
2 ply of floral serviette
Square rattan box decorated with netting and artificial flower

Greeting card

Sparkling carbonated drink
2 types of home made cookies in crystal canister
Steamed fruit cake - medium
Meat floss in bottle
Daim/Sorrini chocolate in mug/bowl
Selected nuts
Floral kitchen towel
2 ply of floral serviette
English style tin basket decorated with ribbon and artificial flower
Greeting card

Sparkling carbonated drink
2 types of home made cookies in glass bottle
Steamed fruit cake - medium
Traditional love letters
Meat floss in bottle
Cadbury chocolate panned
Daim/Sorrini chocolate in mug/bowl
Selected nuts
Floral kitchen towel
2 ply of floral serviette
Ikea silver tin box decorated with ribbon and artificial flower
Greeting card

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wana's Wedding Gifts


I buat engagement gifts for Azrah's fren for both sides. I m sure she was so happy with the gifts and the asked again to do for herr wedding gifts.


al quran


Monday, December 12, 2011

Exclusive Hamper for 2009 - RM200


Sparkling carbonated drink
2 types of home made biscuit in glass bowl
Steamed fruit cake - medium
Meat floss in bottle
Potato chips
Daim and Sorrini chocolate in mug/bowl
Selected nuts
Floral kitchen towel
Rattan basket/rectangular bird nest basket decorated with ribbon and artificial flowers
Greeting card

Wedding Azrah and Zulkarnain - my fourth sister


This event was on November 14, 2007. The wedding gifts, wedding favors, door gifts, cakes, and everything me and the third sister, Chef CiJu yang organized. To save the money. Lagipun baru puas..In fact wedding gifts belah lelaki pun kitarang yang buat, Sebab Cle Zul masih lagi di Holland. Cuti dan balik kampung terus menikah. The theme color for them - bige and brown while Cle Zul was silver green.

The towel

The chocolate from Mecca.
Leather jacket for Zul.
Bunga telur yang gigih kami kerja kan.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Exclusive Hamper for Raya 2010

I m having problem with my old blog. My sweet fingers azianelias.  So here i transfer all the N3 to my new blog. Jelas memang di sini i just copy paste saja. Well, my own blog.

Bakul atau sebarang container yang mungkin tidak sama seperti di bawah, tetapi nilai hamper akan disesuaikan mengikut permintaan customer.

White basket A - RM300

Items in the hamper are:

1. Pineapple tart

2. Chocolate chips

3. Chocolate oats

4. Fox candy in tin
5. Decorated bottle
6. St Dalfor jem
7. Gold Boh Cameron tea
8. 2 ply of floral serviette
9. Fruit cake
10. Banana chips
11. Meat floss

White basket B - RM300

Items in the hamper are:
1. Pineapple tart
2. Chocolate chips 
3. Chocolate oats
4. Fox candy in tin
5. Decorated bottle
6. St Dalfor jem
7. Gold Boh Cameron tea
8. 2 ply of floral serviette
9. Fruit cake
10. Banana chips
11. Meat floss
Hamper in tin - RM250

Items in the hamper are:
1. Pineapple tart
2. Chocolate chips 
3. Dark chocolate Ferrero T4
4. Glass pitcher
5. Organic  jem
6. A box of chocolate Raffaello
7. DAIM candies in Ikea bottle
8. Banana chips
Rattan basket A - RM200

Items in the hamper are:
1. Chocolate chips 
2. Chocolate oats
3. Dark chocolate Ferrero T4 x 2
4. Fox candy in tin
5. Fruit Cake
6. Tong Garden Nuts
7. Dodol
8. Banana chips in floral container
Biscycle hamper - RM170

Items in the hamper are:
1. Chocolate chips 
2. DAIM candies in Ikea bottle
3. Meat floss in Ikea bottle
Rattan basket B - RM150

Items in the hamper are:
1. Pineapple tart
2. Chocolate chips 
3. Dark chocolate Ferrero T4 x 2
4. Fox candy in tin
5. St Dalfor jem
6. Pringles potato chips
7. DAIM candies in Ikea bottle
8. Banana chips
9. Tong Garden nuts
Iron bin - RM150

Items in the hamper are:
1. Pineapple tart
2. Chocolate chips 
3. Dark chocolate Ferrero T4
4. Glass pitcher
5. Dodol in Ikea bottle
6. DAIM candies in Ikea bottle

Items yang terdapat didalam nya juga boleh diubah mengikut kesesuaian nilai hamper. Terpulang kepada anda..

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